I followed the instructions in Christine-Lea Frisoni's wonderful book Le Grand Livre de la Maison Miniature. When I had finished, it looked a bit as though it was up on stilts, so I shortened the legs down until it seemed the right size for this small room.
My friend Trish is a talented painter and had painted this Chrysnbon bowl with beautiful flowers, so I cut a hole in the top of the washstand and put the bowl in. Then I had to repaint the stand a more creamy colour to match the bowl.
I already had the porcelain jug, and it is just the right colour and size!
This is a picture of the bottom shelf - the basket is by Al Chandronnait (but I took the handle off). I made the little towels from some very fine towelling from a pair of baby mittens.
I made the round soaps from fimo and wrapped them in tissue and labelled them, and I made the "Cath Kidson" box and the bird's egg soap box.
The comb and the soap dish are also painted by my friend Trish as part of the same set as the bowl. The little cranberry glass jar is by Glasscraft and I made the perfume bottle from a pretty bead.
I was excited to open a parcel today which arrived from Lory Tonetti. I bought a beautiful shelf from her....matching the bowl she made. "Imagine my disappointment" when I realised that I couldn't fit it into the cottage - the cottage is really quite small and I didn't have much wall space.....however.....it is just the right size to be a bench by the front door....and here it is, with it's new legs, looking beautiful (I hope Lory doesn't mind!!).
And here is the co-ordinating bowl on the living room table. So beautiful!
I was delighted to find that the mailman had brought some miniature mail for my Shabby Cottage the other day.
This gorgeous little shoebox full of letters, postcards and envelopes arrived from Linda - all so beautifully made and detailed! Now I have some delightful little letters to place around the house.
Here are some in the letter rack (also painted by Trish). And some more on the bottom shelf of the table. Alison's little sweets are shown better here...aren't they gorgeous!
And finally... ...WOW....I have over 100 followers.....I am so amazed and happy that you are interested in my blog....thank you so much for your comments and your interest. I am really enjoying visiting your blogs too and getting so many wonderful ideas and inspiration from your work. Thank you so much!!
All of the items look fabulous, I am so pleased the mail arrived safely.
Regards, Linda
Carolyn, your washstand is a triumph! It is soooo beautiful! I love all the little details you've added, particularly the handpainted ewer and basin. The shelf/bench is perfect with legs, the floral painting is lovely and Lindas' mail brings the scene of your bed to life. This cottage is going to be gorgeous, full of life.
This cottage has wonderful miniatures! I love the way you match all the details, the colours and the flowers all over the scene. This is a very happy and romantic place!
Oh what a wonderfull things you made Carolyn. I'm dreaming of your house wenn I'm looking to your pictures. Beautiful...
I love the little details! and especially the towels :)
I really love the style of your house. All the details are gorgeous, you did a very good job with the washstand.
Congratulations on your 100 followers.
I just love it - it's so feminine and I jus love the details.
Looks really swett and lovely. Great work!
Congratulations on the 100 followers! Fantastic piece of miniature, love seeing the process too!
Really wonderful!
Everything you make is so pretty and beautiful!
I don't wonder why you have already more than 100 followers!! Gongratulations:D
Congratulations to your more than 100 followers!
Your washstand is perfect.
And all of your miniatures and decorations are very, very pretty. I love the bed with the box and the letters. SO romantic!
Hugs and greetings from Bavaria, Germany
It's all looking fabulously shabby!
way too CUTE!!!
The washstand is superb. What a wonderful job you've done. It's so feminine, but still You should be proud of it. Congratulations also on the 100 followers!
All of the pieces are fabulous.
Carolyn, I nearly lost this fantastic post! I love your delicate washstand and all accessories that you've paired. I agree that the cottage is beautiful! The 100 followers are more than deserved and I am happy to join. Linda has made a major contribution, the perfect touch to this romantic atmosphere.
I love everything :-)
Mini hugs, Flora
Carolyn, it looks like I need to get that book too! What wonderful items, but then, the owner of the book needs to be talented too ;-)
Also, I read a comment of yours about peonies. I made them from a kit. They look beautiful. If you're interested, this is Ria's webshop: http://www.variaatjes.eu/producten
Thank you so much for your kind comments, everyone. Marion, thank you for this link - the peonie kit looks beautiful and I might have to try making them! Does anyone know how to make miniature sweet peas??
Congratulations on the 100 followers! Your blog is a very nice place to visit. The washstand and all the details are so beautiful.
Love, Susanne
I LOVE your washstand! It is hard to believe that it is made out of cardboard! I looks so wonderful. Your other shabby items are really great too!
It's all so pretty :) And I do think that the shorter legs on the washstand looks better than the original.
¡Que preciosidad! Me encanta como te ha quedado. Has logrado un conjunto muy acojedor y lleno de detalles.
Besitos, May
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