I thought I would have a giveaway to celebrate reaching 100 followers, but the big 100 came and went before I had prepared everything. Now it is ready and I am delighted to be able to offer this giveaway. All you have to do to be eligible is to be a follower and leave a comment and I will enter you in the draw, to be drawn on 26th June.
Good luck! I really hope you like these little miniatures!
xxxx Carolyn
Cnngratulations Carolyn, and many more to come I am sure!! This is a lovely giveaway, please count me in :)
This is a lovely giveaway,so many nice things.
A wonderful giveaway! Please count me in too.
Congratulations on reaching 100 followers. Lovely items, please count me in!
I really like your thumbnails! I participate in your give away, and crossing my fingers!
I put the link on my blog!
kisses and congratulations for your 100 followers!
I'm happy to be part of your 100 followers! Congratulations. Lovely little items!
Congratulations on going over 100 followers! Lovely giveaway.
I love your minis. You do great work! Everything is gorgeous. I especially like the little washstand.
Congratulations. Wonderful giveaway, as with all your items!
Please count me in Carolyn, lovely giveaway, thank you for your generosity:)
What a great giveaway. It's all so beautiful!!! Here's to another 100..... =)
Too good to be true, this giveaway ;-) I love it and please, Carolyn, count me in. I would be proud to own something made by you. You do such a wonderful job (says she who's seen your work up close!). I'll keep my fingers crossed. And congrats on your 100 followers. I'd better be prepared, because I am a real slow worker and might reach my 100 too, soon.....
Congratuations on your 100+ Please enter me in your drawing. Hugs, Teresa
Congratulations on all your followers! Count me in on your beautiful giveaway please!
Congradulations! You are so talented and I relly like your style!
Congratulations Carolyn, whit the 100. What a beautiful give-away. All these things are amazing in my house also will you me count in please?
Congratulations on your 122 followers. Would you please count me in for your lovely giveaway?
Congratulations! You have a really great blog, I love all your things. Please count me in.
Love, Suanne
Muchas felicidades , tu blog es precioso.
Congratulations on having such a beautiful blog that you already have 122 followers (and counting)!
The give-away looks great!
groetjes Evelien
Woohoooo Carolyn!
Congratulations on the 100 followers!
What a wonderful lot of treasures you are giving away!
Hi Carolyn
What lovely gifts you have selected! Congratulations on reaching (and exceeding!) 100 followers! I'd love to be included in your celebration.
Congratulation and please count me in.
Felicidades Carol, conoci tu blog hace poco, y me encantan las cosas que tienes¡ Gracias por compartir ese precioso regalo con todos nosotros. Un beso Carmen.
Congratulations on the number of followers.
Your giveaway is gorgeous, I like the style of everything. You can count on me.
Welcome to my blog.
Congrats!! So lovely treasure price from your amazing blog! I love it,miniregards,Sonia.
Really love your blog.
I 've just started making miniature. Your giveaway will help build up my inventory .
Thank you.
It is great Give away!
I love all you have prepared...very country chic!
I'll put the new on my blog!
Thanks for this wonderfull opportunity!
GRacias por celebrar este sorteo!!!
Congratulations on 100 followers! I just have that too!
I love you site. So much eye candy. Thanks for sharing. And, thanks for the contest.
Lori in Houston
hello, I didn't know your blog, you make beautiful things, I don't know if I can participate in the give away, however, I will get in my blog, greetings
Gongratulations! I´ll be your follower 125. Lovely giveaway.
Carolyn, I LOVE your giveaway items!!! Congratulations on all of the followers that you have!!!! Please count me in on this celebration!!!!
Carolyn, beautiful giveaways and inspiring pictures on your blog, Jackie
Beautiful gifts ! please count in me!
Hello, I just discovered your blog today, everything about it is simply beautiful! I'am in minis about a year and am making my first 4-store dollshause just now.
I don't have my own blog but hope that I will still have a chance to win the wonderful gifts you're sharing. I've become a follower and look forward to your future posts.
Thanks, Elen from Omsk/ Russia
Tillykke! Jeg elsker dine små miniaturerting! Det ser så hyggeligt ud, med alle de skønne ting i din opstilling! Jeg håber, jeg vinder, for jeg elsker de tallerkener!!!
Hilsen Eva
How nice! I am happy for you and for me, I have a chance to win your wonderful miniatures.
Please consider me entered :-)
Miny hugs, flora
your beautiful gifts offered palioin give away is the beautiful and your blog.
WOW! What a beautiful giveaway! They'd be perfect on the dresser I just painted:)
Hold da Helt op en flot blog du Advocate lavet . SELV Administrator jeg endnu ikke en blog, mænd Folger gerne MED i Finde der sker i din
I'm a very happy new follower, glad I found your blog! I'd love to be included :)
Enhorabuena por tus seguidores, yo soy una de ellas.
Me ha encantado encontrar tu blog.
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
besitos ascension
Ya soy seguidora tuya y he de decirte que tienes cosas preciosas.
Me encantaria poder participar en el sorteo.
Gracias por tu generosidad.
Besitos, May
Felicidades por las mas de 100 seguidoras que ya tienes. Yo ya soy tu seguidora. De ser posible me gustaria participar en el sorteo de las cosas preciosas que realizas.
Congratulations! What a delightful giveaway. I have adored dollhouses and miniatures my whole life. So happy to have found your blog.
thorandellie At gmail D0t com
Congratuations on your 100+ What a beautiful give away. Please count me in. Hugs, Teresa
Carolyn this is a wonderful giveaway, please count me in!
Hi Carolyn!
Happy I found You! You have very nice blog.
And I just love your giveaway with its all details. So cute!
Hi Carolyn!
Beautiful give away! Please count me in!
Greetings, piikko
Hi Carolyn, I just discovered your lovely blog, I will visit here often!! Congratulations with 100 followers (and more) and what a beautiful give-away present.
Congrtulations Carolyn !!! i like you blog !
Congratulations on your 141 followers. Would you please count me in for your lovely giveaway?
I just love the sweet miniatures you have made!
Congratulations on your 140+ followers and your lovely blog. I just LOVE your two 'best' miniatures - such a sweet photo. Please count me in your amazing giveaway. Carol :)
Congratulations for your 145 followers. The items of your giveaway are very beautiful.
¡Muchas felicidades por tus seguidores!! Pero los afortunados somos los que te seguimos ( ; Tus cosas son muy lindas!!!
Ahora pongo el aviso en mí blog ( =
Y me encantara participar en el sorteo !!
Congratulations with 144 followers.
And look very nice giveaway.
Your blog I like to look.Tafels, bed accessories, especially kitchen .. nice!
Congratulations to your followers
I have just started a blog and it´s a new world for me. Yours give away is lovely
Congratulations for your 100 followers!!
Your gifts are lovely!!
Congratulations on your followers I know there will be many many more. Please I would love the chance to win your wonderful giveaway I would be so happy :) Good luck to everyone. Hugs~ Kim
Congrats on your 145 followers, well deserved because you have a nice blog!!
Your giveaway is wonderful, please count me in, and thanks so much for the chance to win these great gifts.
Beautiful giveaway. Please count me. :O)
What a beautiful give away!!! Thank you for a chance to win such lovely miniatures. :-)
no conocia tu blog y me ha gustado Tanto Que Me lo hecho " seguidora
me encantaria participar en El Sorteo
un beso
Congratulations for 100 falowers!
Es un premio precioso, ya me he hecho seguidora, gracias por la oportunidad de participar.
In the last minute...I do really like to enjoy this give away. I beleive you have a lot of nice things in your blog. So much inspiration!
ciao, complimenti per il tuo blog, è molto bello!!! mi iscrivo al tuo giveaway molto volentieri :o)
Hi! Congratulations with the 100 followers. You've made some very nice things, and I'd like to be the one winning them.
Hugs from Lene
Tienes un blog precioso, enhorabuena por los 100 seguidores que seguro que dentro de poco serán muchos más.
Un besín.
Good luck everyone....I am doing the draw now. :-) xx Carolyn
You have obviously put together this giveaway with a lot of love and care. Thank you for sharing your interest in miniatures and for the wonderful words you share through blogging. I would love to be entered into the contest.
anthyjune {at} gmail {dot} com
hola!!! acabo de conocer tu blog, voy a ver más cosas, encantada de conocerte y poder participar en el sorteo!!!
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