I have a welcome sign for my cottage door now. Isn't it cute?

I spent all yesterday evening and some of this morning making little books for the bookcase. These are all titles I would LOVE to have in my full-sized bookcase! I still have a few more "shabby" themed book covers to use, even though there are really more than enough decorating books now - I need to work on some novels next or my poor little cottage-dweller won't have anything to read except froth!
As you can see, I still have more books to make before the bookcase is full enough to satisfy a real bibliophile, but I'm glad the shelves aren't sitting empty any more. Some of the books on the bottom shelf have been stolen out of my other dollshouse - they are made by
Grace at
Treefeathers and are just gorgeous. But I have to make nearly all the books myself because I have made the bookshelves so small that only teeny weeny books will fit on the two upper shelves.
NEWSFLASH!!! I went to the optician last week to finally have my eyes tested (it's always easier to do a good job of looking after the children than for a mother to look after herself, so I am proud of myself for even doing it!) . I was sure that I was short sighted and thought I might need glasses for driving. Well, how wrong can you be! Apparently my distance vision is perfectly fine but I need glasses for reading and doing close up work. And here am I thinking I could see. My new glasses have arrived and I put them on and ...
I can't believe that I have been managing all this time with such poor eyesight. Maybe I will be able to make better miniatures now.
I ordered some flower kits from
Bonnie Lavish and they arrived today so I will be working on them next - hopefully I will have some beautiful flowers to show you soon!
SO cosy...with all these wonderful books and the welcome sign...
I wear glasses too, well in fact now contact lenses...it is wonderful to see the world clear :) :) :)
That wreath is so pretty :) And lots of pretty colours in the bookcase thanks to the new books.
I wish my new glasses story was as positive, I recently paid $600 for a new pair of multifocals and I'm having almost as many headaches as before I got them :( I suspect it's time to get 'dedicated' specs for the computer - better go buy a lottery ticket...
Se ve muy bonita la estanteria con sus libros.
Y el letrero de la puerta es hermoso.
The welcome sing is cute like you said, the roses look so real! I love Bonnie Lavish kits, lets see how they come up!
Your welcome sign is really cute.
I love all your books, perfect in the bookcase.
The books look fab as does the bookcase :) I actually read through your blog yesterday and you do such a wonderful minies, you're one talented lady :)
To create these little treasures need super glasses!
The wreath on the door is a love :-)
The books are already so many ... I really like the library :-)
And I can not wait to admire your new flowers.
So, see you soon :-)
Wat fijn dat je alles nu beter kunt zien Carolyn.
Ik vind de krans (en de deur) helemaal super en de boekjes zijn ook heel mooi.
Beutiful welcom sign! I also love that door!
The books youvé made are great and the shelf as well!
Oh sorry Carolyn, I forget the English language.
The wreath and the door are very beautiful en I love the books very much also the bookcase. The colors are amazing.
Hi Carolyn, I love your style! Can I ask where you have found the bookcovers? (I can only find the front of the covers :-( )
Oh, and if you would like me to send you some scoubidous, just email me your address! (I explained what scoubidous are at the post of the romantic table on my blog.)
Se ve precioso!!!El librero y la escalera ( =
Hi Carolyn. Love the wreath welcome sign and the books and the bookcase are sweet. You do great work. I can relate to the eye issue. I wear contacts, but when I work on my minis I have to put reading glasses on as well!!
wow , youre welcome sign is so gorgeous , did you just design that all yourself ? love your cottage .
Love Frederica
I love the books. I attempted my first book the other day. I need a little more practice!
Hi everyone - thank you so much for your comments! Lara, you are lovely to offer the scoubidous - thank so much! I have emailed you.
The books have "real" front covers and I made spines and back covers for them on photoshop. You never really look at the back of a miniature book anyway so I didn't think it mattered so much if it wasn't the "real" back cover.
The lovely little welcome sign was made by Theresa Summmers, who is known for her miniature animals....this was a lovely ebay find! I always feel guilty if I buy something I think I should have had a try at making myself, but when this arrived I was so glad I had bought it - it is beautifully made and very delicate and pretty!
Carolyn, Your little cottage is coming along nicely. I love the books that you have made and how they are filling up your little bookcase! It looks wonderful!!!
Beautiful books, is a very nice rack. Congratulations!
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