I was trolling around the internet in the middle of the night a while ago and found a wonderful photo of a little table - I think this was a tutorial by Christine-Lea Frisoni (by the way, if anyone knows where I could access this tutorial I would be so grateful!!!). It is pictured below.

I just loved this little table, so I had a go at making one today (rainy weekend). I had the same old superglue issues but I am quite pleased with this little table for the shabby bedroom....I have made it rusty so it looks old and well-loved.

Thank you so much for your comments - I really appreciate them!
I think it looks just great, very shabby chic! The bed is lovely, did you make that too?
Your table looks fantastic. Here is the address of Lea Frisoni's tutorials. Here is a huge amount of them and I think the table might be there somewhere. http://atelier.oldiblog.com/?page=articles&rub=62672
Hello! The bedroom looks great and the table is just perfect!I have the instructions you are looking for:
just click on the photo, she has some more nice tutorials in her blog.
You did a so nice job...
I really like! Long live your superglue :-)
Christine is the author of the book: The French House? This is her blog: http://atelier.oldiblog.com/ Although I haven't seen everything on it yet, I figure that's the place you're looking for. Such inspirations.... Have fun
By the way, the bed looks quite different with this dainty little talbe next to it. Perhaps you need to see the complete picture of a room to appreciate the furniture in it.
Sorry, I should've read the other comments first. Now I've doubled up with the answer.
What a lovely table but I like your bed very much.
Beautiful style and colors Carolyn.
Both the bed and the table are just adorable.I like that little pillow too.
Love, Susanne
Thank you SO MUCH for your help finding this tutorial...minimami, that is exactly the one I was looking for - thank you so much. And to Marion and hannajaleijona too - thank you for taking the time to send me the info! I really appreciate your comments, everyone...thank you so much!! Carolyn
So lovely table!
I like everything in your room very much!!!
Wonderful work! The little shabby tables is perfect in your bedroom! Miniregards,Sonia.
It all looks lovely. It looks so real and enchanting.
Hola Carolynn, es todo precioso y muy estilo shabby. Tengo el libro de Lea y creo que viene el tutorial. Te lo envio.
Un abrazo
Really lovely. I've been wanting to make a wire bed but wasn't sure how to approach it. I have the same superglue problem!
I'm very happy to see that you love my tuto. Your table is beautiful...
Regards from France.
Very cute table!
Glad to see you're making the best of all the wet weekends we've been having!
Your table is lovely and the top with roses is gorgeous. It's perfect with the bed.
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