Blogging can be quite addictive! I've struggled to "wait" until today to do another post. AND it can be a bit of a timewaster. I spent absolutely ages yesterday trying to figure out how to add a translating button onto this blog but I finally figured it out. And as for blog makeovers..... (!!!!)....well, once you get started you pretty well have to keep going until you finish. So now I have a made-over blog but it took me so long that I don't know if I'll do it again in a hurry!
'Fess up time is coming....I've been doing some shopping! Now that the sun has finally come out (it's been a rainy, wet, cold winter here so far), I can get some good photos and show you some little bits and pieces.....
Congratulations Francesca! Lovely give-away, thanks for the chance Carolyn.
Francesca is soooo LUCKY!!!!
Carolyn, Thank you so much for your great giveaway and having a chance to win!! Your blog looks wonderful and I totally agree with it being addictive! I have to watch myself or I don't accomplish a thing. I just want to read blogs!!!
Yours was a beautiful give away! Thank you for offering it.
Congratulations Francesca I know you must be thrilled knowing these gorgeous miniatures are on there way to you. :-)
Oh I'm jealous! (LOL) This was such a lovely giveaway. Congratulations to Francesca!
Congratulations to Francesca and thank you for the nice give away.
It will be for next time?
A hug, you're talented :-)
Ginaaaaaaaaaa, felicidades!!! qué bien!! Thank you very much Carolyn for this fantastic give away, and your sweet words about us and congratulations for have these beautiful children. hugs!
Congrats to Gina!!!!!!Thanks for the sweet giveaway!!miniregards.
Congratulations to Francesca.
Thank you for you comment on my blog.
QUE SORPRESA !!!!! Hola Carolyn , estoy realmente emocionada , no esperaba despertarme con esta agradable noticia , muchisimas gracias por este regalo tan lindo , como dicen tienes un blog muy dulce , muchas gracias también a las manos de Mateo y Ella, son realmente encantadores , un beso fuerte para ti.
Gracias a todas por vuestras felicitaciones.
June 26, 2010 9:02 PM
Congratulations Francesca, thank you for tha chance to win, hugs Michelle
Congrats to Francesca!
Congrats on the winner. Love the new blog design. Your kids are so cute!
¡Muchas Felicidades Francesca!! Están hermosos tus regalos ( ;
Ella y Mateo ¡ Están preciosos!!!
Gracias Carolyn !!!
Un abrazo Flor
¡¡¡Felicidades Francesca!!!
Congratulations Francesca and thank you Carolyn for your giveaway :O)
Hola Carolyn , te he enviado mi dirección a tu correo , gracias
Hola Carolyn , te envie mi dirección , te llego a tu correo???
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