I started a little tour of my
first dollshouse - quite a while ago now, so you have probably forgotten all about it. Here is a photo of the outside of the house. I found a pattern for this house in a dollshouse book from the public library (this was before I had managed to track done a dollshouse club so I was doing it all on my own). The house is a bit Dutch looking - I didn't mind this even though I'm a kiwi girl, because my husband is a little bit Dutch (born there, brought up here). But it's very English on the inside.

I thought I would continue the tour today, with a look at the living room. Here is a photo of the whole room. Yes, there is no door into this room..... .....but I have a good reason.....

I needed room for a bookcase! So the bookcase is now hiding the door. I guess I could always pretend it is a movable bookcase hiding a secret door. Anyway, I don't care and no-one ever notices the missing door - I mean
hidden door.
Books are very important in my life, so I had to have a little reading corner! Quite of few of these books are by Treefeathers. I love the convex mirror and the butterfly collection. You won't see many home-made miniatures in this house, I'm afraid, because this before I thought of doing that!!
The gorgeous Fruit Charlotte cake is by Lesley Burgess.
This is the other side of the room. I hankered after a leather sofa so I put one in the miniature house. (We have got a leather sofa in real life now, yay!) The picture of the sleeping girl is one of my favourites - it is called Sleeping June and was painted in 1895 by Frederick Lord Leighton. The picture of the nasturtiums (I love nasturtiums and have them growing outside my front door) dates from the same era. I love the dragonfly stained glass lamp because I have one in real life.

I quite like this little doll still, although I don't put them in my scenes any more. I embroidered the footstool for her.
Just one room of the house to show you now....the little bedroom at the top of the house. I'll do that soon. Thanks for dropping by.