I set this arrangement up just for the photo but liked it so much that I have left it this way. The little gerbera flower was made by Pei Li - it is sitting in what is meant to be a scent bottle made of cranberry glass by Phil Grenyer of Glasscraft. I took the stopper off - it is just right as a little vase instead of a scent bottle. The shoes were made by Sylvia Rowntree and Linda Carswell made the little shoebox, which is full of the most delightful miniature mail. I was so glad to find the little Eiffel tower charm....it is so cute.

After my last post, a few people wanted a closer look at the little doll who was hidden away in the corner....here she is, looking very pleased to have a bench to sit on!

She is very sweet and even has bendable arms and legs and tiny pantaloons!

After my last post, a few people wanted a closer look at the little doll who was hidden away in the corner....here she is, looking very pleased to have a bench to sit on!

She is very sweet and even has bendable arms and legs and tiny pantaloons!

She also quite likes to be tucked into her cosy corner.

Now don't worry about the next photo. It doesn't look good but here's how it happened....
It is school holidays here now (and it is the middle of winter). Last week, my dear little seven year old Ella, followed closely by her nine year old brother Matthew came sheepishly into my room to tell me, in fear and trepidation, that they had accidentally landed a karate kick on the Shabby Cottage. So I went to see the damage and thought you might like a photo of the living room after Cyclone Ella had struck (could have been worse). Well the few things that were blu-tacked down stayed put but everything else (in all the rooms) went for a tumble. I'm not one for sticking things down much as I like to move things around a bit. I was very kind to Ella as she obviously felt terrible. Matthew's comment (wise from years of experience): "See, Ella....I told you it's best to tell her straight away." Anyway, no harm done. It's all back in place now. Wish tidying my real house was as easy.

Oh....I have a funny story to tell you!
I received an email the other day from a journalist who works for NZ House & Garden magazine. She had stumbled upon this blog accidentally and wanted to know if my real house was similar in style to the dollshouse, in which case she would like to send a photographer down and do a feature on it. I had to disappoint her (and myself) and tell her that no-one in their right mind would want to do a feature on our very average family home, with train sets in the lounge and plastic compost buckets in the kitchen. But thanks for asking. Well I didn't say it quite that way (I was awfully polite) but you get the idea! I was pretty chuffed to be asked, however, and emailed hubby at work all excited about it. "It's a scam, don't answer" was his take on it. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I will never have a home fit to feature in NZ House & Garden but at least my dollshouse is worthy of consideration. How cool is that??

Today I have been messing around with paint and some little metal miniatures that have been sitting around here for ages, and these little jugs are the result. The smaller one was meant to be a coffee pot but I ditched the lid because it didn't fit properly.

Today I have been messing around with paint and some little metal miniatures that have been sitting around here for ages, and these little jugs are the result. The smaller one was meant to be a coffee pot but I ditched the lid because it didn't fit properly.

They look quite cute as a pair in the little kitchen. I'm still moving them around to find the right place for them.

Hope those of you who live in the Northern Hemisphere are enjoying the summer....it is winter here and cold and wet. Looking forward to Spring