Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Giveaway - Breakfast Tray

I had a lovely morning yesterday working on this little breakfast tray for my giveaway and here it is, all finished. I really hope you like it!
The tray itself was made by Al Chandronnait - I have painted it white. There is a little Greengate placemat and some of my dollshouse "vintage" plates decorated with purple flowers. The plain purple bowl, cup and saucer are made by Sam Dunlap - such a pretty colour. I have filled the breakfast bowl with yoghurt with a swirl of fruit flavourings and I made tiny berries to add to the yoghurt. Of course there is a lovely steaming cup of black coffee, a coffee pot for refills and a little scone with jam and cream. When my husband saw this he asked if this was my idea breakfast and I had to admit that it was! I think it is really pretty, and I made it with lots of love for this giveaway to celebrate having more than 400 followers. Thank you so much for all your support - it means a lot to me and I really appreciate you all!

If you would like to enter this giveaway, all you need to do (you know the drill!) is be a follower and leave a comment on this blog. I'll draw it in about a week.

Have a lovely week with your miniatures!!


Tabitha Corsica said...

Very lovely in lavender, Carolyn! I love Sam Dunlap's crockery and this looks yummy! Glad to see you back in Blogland.

PS: I was only able to comment here by "unclicking" the "stay signed in" box on the log-in redirect. You might want to change your comment settings to either a pop-up window or a full page option until Blogger figures out to fix this problem :-).

Susan (Tabitha)

Estefanía said...

Que hermosa bandeja! Un desayuno delicioso con una presentación increible. Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo. Un beso. Estefanía.

Nuria said...

Es un desayuno muy romántico, me encantaría participar en tu sorteo. Un saludo, Núria

suzeeez said...

Oh my goodness this would be sooooo cute
in my guest suit of my newest dollhouse!
Please include my name in your giveaway !

Anonymous said...

ooooooooooooooooo fabulous!!! congrats on 400!!! please count me in!! :D Linda x

Lara said...

Carolyn, what a lovely giveaway! Would you please count me in?
Love, Lara

Un Taller de Miniaturas said...

It is a lovely and very "sweet" giveaway, Carolyn!! I would like participate :))
Please count me in!!

Britt said...


Count me in please in your lovely give-away

Minimami said...

So beautiful, I am in :)

Ascension said...

Es absolutamente preciosa esa bandeja.
Me encantaria particpar en tu sorteo.
Subo el aviso a mi blog.
besitos ascension

Karin F. said...

my favorite type of breakfast as well. I'd love to be in on the drawing.
hugs K

Drora's minimundo said...

It's a breakfast to die for. Please count me in.

carmen said...

preciosa bandeja! cuenta conmigo, por favor
lo anuncio en mi blog

Flora said...

Oh, I LOVE your little tray: it's perfect in every detail and of corse, is perfect for me :-)
Please, count in me.
I am glad you have wanted to organize this give away: it means that things are better and maybe the dark period is passing...
So, I make one thousand wishes for the future: that it is pink or, better, purple which, I think, is your favorite color :-)
Mini lovely hugs, Flora

Kikka N said...

Hi Carolyn! Your little tray is so lovely and cute, the colour is beautiful!
I would love to take part into your giveaway, Please count me in. I`ll put a link into my blog.

Kaisa said...

Your little tray is fantastic. I love the color lavender. I would like to participate to your draw also. Wish me good luck!

TINK - SONIA said...

It's a dreamer breakfast!!! I would love to participate in you lovely giveaway and congrats on your followers,your blog is a inspiration to me,sweet regards.

Eva said...

Me encantaria participar en el sorteo, el regalo debe estar riquísimo. Un saludo, Eva

Chris P's Minis and More said...

this is what I love COFFEE and purple. Please count me in your give away!!! This is darling

Catherine / Mooghiscath said...

Très jolie .

Julie said...

Hi Carolyn,
It's lovely to see you back in blogland - we missed you! Your giveaway looks gorgeous. Please count me in!!

by Sonya said...

Wow what fantastic Give away!Please count me.
This breakfast tray is wounderful!
I love the "Macchinetta per il caffè"-"Moka coffe pot" and your plates!
I put the banner in my blog!
Thanks for this opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Wow what a beautiful tray, who ever wins this is very lucky, can i be included plz xx

Heleni said...

Wow, your giveaway is very beautiful Carolyn. Congratulations with your 400 followers.
Will you count me in please?


klara said...

your give-away is very beautiful. congratulations on your 400 followers, Please count me in
regards Klara

Plushpussycat said...

Congratulations on 400 followers! What a lovely giveaway! Please count me in! I'll list your giveaway in the giveaways section of my blog! :-)

ultsu said...

Really beautiful. I would love to take part in this giveaway.

M Carmen Casanova said...

Hola Carolina, me alegra mucho encontrarte de nuevo en mi Reader. Es una bandeja, muy hermosa. Me encantará participar en tu sorteo. Besos.

Unknown said...

I just adore your great work and art with minis, it's always a pleasure to visit your blog !!!
So continue with the good work!!!
I would love to participate in your giveaway.
Thank you very much for sharing your talent with us.
Have a nice day!!
Beatriz Martin

Patty said...

Carolyn, How exciting!!!! Congratulations on your 400 + followers! I would LOVE the chance to win this wonderful breakfast tray! I love how you have set it up!!!

malu2 said...

Que precioso,precioso, precioso!!!!!!!!Carolina,
felicidades por tus seguidores, tus minis son preciosas,me gustaría participar, ahra te subo a mi blog.Besos desde España.

My Wee Life said...

400 followers - amazing! Please count me in on your gorgeous giveaway - I would love my own brekkie served like that :)

Maria Ireland said...

It a beautiful breakfast tray. I love the colours. Congratulations on all your followers. Please count me in your giveaway i would love to win such a wonderful prize. :)

SaMiRa73 said...

Carolyn, it´s great to have you back blogging after all this trouble! It´s time for you to have a good time again, so "Congrats" to your 400 followers! Please count me in for your great giveaway! Sandra

Lotte said...

I agree. It looks very pretty! I'd like to participate on your giveaway too.

Congratulations on your 400+ followers!

Vane said...

Great to read you again! And congrats on your followers!.
By the way, amathing tray!. :) I want to participate of course!. :)
Hugs from Madrid.

Anonymous said...

Your artwork is unbelieveble,I'm saving money to fill an entire cabinet with your beautiful plates.I'm new here but I'm addicted to coffee,miniatures and purple,so please count me in your giveaway.thanks,cheers

Lataina said...

Carolyn, what a beautiful tray! Whoever wins will truly have a special gift. Not only because it is made by such a talented person, but because you have also made it in one of your favorite color combinations. It's a lovely treat to have, and to me, makes it all the more special. =)

Nina in Germany said...

I like your little breakfast, it is so nice. And there is much love in your creating. Wonderful.

Anarniel said...

Please count me in for the giveaway! Your miniatures are wonderful and inspiring!
I have also a giveaway at my blog: http://anarnielslittleworld.blogspot.com/2011/05/first-giveaway.html

Marian said...

Hello Carolyn
this breaksfast is wonderful, I like it.
I hope to join in your giveaway. Thanks.

Contrastes-Rosa Mª said...

Un regalo precioso Carolina, me encantará participar en tu sorteo, gracias

rose cat cottage said...

HI Carolyn! Bravo for your 400 followers and thanks to propose this give away such a nice idea and such greats things!! Count me please, Doei, Claude

Teruka said...

Congratulations for your 400 follower!
Please count me in your giveaway!
Your breakfast is really beauty.

Susan@minicrochetmad said...

Oh, that's gorgeous! I could handle a breakfast like that right now!! Congratulations on achieving 400 followers for your lovely blog.

Arantxa Fariña said...

Hi Carol!!

I love Tray Breaksfast it's very nice.

Andcongratulations for your 400 followers

Please count me!!

Mini hugs

Fabiola said...

Fantastic giveaway! Plese, count me in. I put the link on my blog.
Bye Faby

Afrika said...

Carolina tan bonito nombre como la bandeja de desayuno,me encanta me dejas participar?

Phred said...

Congrates on the 400 followers. I am so glad you are back, your pictues always cheer me up. You plates are lovely.

Lv toria

Unknown said...

Congratulation. I love your breakfast tray! Please count me in. I did put a link on my blog.

b_e_i_s_ said...

I would love to participate!!
thank you so much!!!

julia said...

Hola Carolyn, estoy encantada de visitar tu blog, en estos momentos me haré seguidora de el y desearía poder participar en tan precioso sorteo, lo he puesto en mi blog.

Unknown said...

Hola soy tu seguidora 427, y me encantaría participar en tu sorteo, algún dia me gustaría saber hacer cosas tan bonitas, voy a ver si encuentro algún tutorial, besos desde Motril,(Granada) España.

cockerina said...

oh! I can finally write my comment! thank you so much for changing option for the comments! :))
I love the steaming cup of coffee .. I hope to participate in your give away!
I also have a give away going in my blog!
kisses, Caterina

Inês Paiva Raposo said...

Carolyn muitos parabéns pelos 400 seguidores! tenho a certeza de que serao muitos mais. Os seus trabalhos sao lindos, eu adoro-os a todos e gostava muito de participar no seu sorteio. Espero ter muita sorte, pois o seu presente alem de ser lindo, ficava perfeito na minha primeira e nova casinha de bonecas.
Obrigada por esta oportunidade.
p.s - Publiquei o sorteio no me blog.
Fica aqui o convite para o ver - www.liliputthings.blogspot.com
Espero que goste

Susi said...

Precioso regalo, seria feliz si fuese mio por que realmente es bello, es un regalo generoso,por favor cuenta conmigo para el sorteo, subo encantada el aviso a mi blog, un beso y muchas gracias.

Rosamargarita said...

Hola, me gustaría mucho ser la ganadora de cosas tan bonitas, me anotas?
Pongo el anuncio en mi blog.
Un abrazo

Sharon said...

Ooh! I love your tray, please enter me in your giveaway.

Daydreamer said...

Beautiful tray and yummy looking breakfast! I would Love to be a part of your giveaway! Congratulations on four hundred followers!!

MiniLover said...

What a lovely display -- you are generous to offer it as a giveaway!


Kim ( potstickers and pancakes ) said...

Love it, beautiful giveaway! Please count me in! Blessings, Kim

Denim Days said...


Sorry to hear of all your troubles, sounds like my worst nightmare, I can understand why you had trouble getting your motivation back. I just found your blog a few weeks ago and I love it, so I am glad you are back :) Thanks for the picture of your beautiful carpet, I have printed it straight on to canvas and it looks so real.
:) Tracey

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn, T

Thank you for the inspiration. My dollshouse was sold when my parents emigrated from the UK to Australia, they did not settle but upon return to the UK it was too late to reclaim my house and I have been traumatised ever since! I am now in my late forties and have just started all over again. keep up the good work, best wishes


Haid said...

This looks like a superb way to start the day :) I've been looking at getting one of those coffee pots in real-life. Love the realistic coffee and the yogurt... mmmm making me hungry LOL!

Rosella said...

Hello Carolyn! Your little tray is lovely and cute, the colour lavender is so nice!!!
I would love to partecipate into your giveaway, please count me in. I`ll put it on my blog.
Thanks and greetings from Italy

Iris said...

Wonderful giveaway! Please count me in!

Patrizia said...

Amo i vassoi.......poi questo così delicato e elegante!!!
Partecipo anche per festeggiare i tuoi 400 follower!!
Congratulazioni e un bacio

Las pequeñas cosas de Victoria said...

Hola Carolyn:
¡¡ me gusta mucho tus minis !!
y me gustaria participar en tu sorteo !!
muchisimas gracias por tu generosidad !!
me llevo el anuncio del sorteo a mi blog .
Un beso ,que tengas un buen dia

miniacollection said...

It's a delightful giveaway. Everything is perfect, it makes a gorgeous scene.
Please count on me.

Meine Kleinigkeiten said...

Your giveaway is amazing! Please include me in your giveaway! I will post your giveaway on my blog's sidebar.
Hugs, Petra

Clody said...

Please count me in your lovely Giveaway!!!
I'm new follower!!!

NarinaNäpertää said...

I'm new in Your blog, but the little I've seen, I like a lot =0}

What a beautiful giveaway You have! I'd LOVE to take part in it, so will You please count me in

rosanna said...

Thank you Carolyn for this lovely tray,it's truly a delight, I'm dying for the cup, it's awesome.
Thank you especially because you are so thoughfull towards your followers in a moment so tough for you and your family.
Please, count me in. Rosanna

Anonymous said...

Hola, acabo de descubrir tu blog, me ha encantado, un desayuno perfecto con mi color favorito, me encantaria participar en tu sorteo, ahora lo subo a mi blog, gracias, besos.

Unknown said...

Hello Carolyn, nice to find you. Your breakfast tray is perfect. I smell the coffee. I will be a follower of your blog. Please count me in. Thank you

Maija said...

what a lovely giveaway!
Would you please count me in?

Zabielle said...

so cute breakfast !
and a beautiful gift
Have a good weekend

Ludmila said...

Great breakfast! Thanks for the chance to get it!


Judith said...

I'd love to be in your giveaway Carolyn. The tray is absolutely beautiful and I have to admit it's my idea of the perfect breakfast too.
Judith x

Marta said...

Carolyn ¡¡¡ apuntame a tu sorteo ¡¡¡¡ que aunque tengo el honor de tener alguno de tus trabajos, nunca son suficientes cuando se trata de autenticas maravillas.
Un abrazo. Marta

Gill Bayes Miniatures said...

Beautiful as always, I'd love to be included please, Carolyn. Gill x

Yayin said...

Una bandeja preciosa,me gusta mucho el desayuno que has preparado,me gustaria participar en tu sorteo.
Lo subo a mi blog.
Besitos Rosa

Heather said...

This is beautiful! I'm hungry now. I would love to be included in the giveaway!

Montse said...

I love your miniatures, please count me in the give away. I will link it to my blog. Thank you!!


Jollie said...

Hello Carolyn

Congratulations on your 400 followers!
What a gorgeous give away!!
I would love to participate, please count me in?

(I have put a link to your post in my blog menu)

Hugs Jollie

Vistiendo Sueños said...

Hola!!!, preciosas tus minis. Me guataría participar en tu sorteo!!!!. Gracias!!!!

Jackie said...

What a beautiful generous give away, please include me, Jackie x

Lainie said...

The colors are gorgeous. This is a very sweet giveaway. Please include me!
I enjoy your blog very much and have even decided to try decorating my own little plates! Yours are absolutely wonderful!

Caroline said...

Carolyn, i would love enter your breakfast tray giveaway. I am always amazed at your work....so lovely.

Carolyn Dolls said...

Just lovely. I'll be absolutely honored to be entered in your giveaway. By the way my name is also Carolyn. Nice to meet you.

Amy Fletcher said...

What a cute little tray. You are so clever. Congratulations on the 400 followers! You deserve them.

Ana said...

Hola felicidades por tus 400 seguidores, un desayuno delicioso en una bandeja de ensueño, me encantaria participar en tu sorteo. besos Ana.

Nicole said...

What a lovely giveaway, Carolyn! Congrats for having so much followers! I ould love to win, so please count me in, I put a link on my blog :-)


Wonderful giveaway! I would love to have a chance to win!
Thank you!

Inge said...

What a great giveaway! Lovely colours, would look lovely in my lavender roombox.
Please count me in.

Valentina P. said...

Beautiful giveaweay please count me in!!!

Katrina said...

How beautiful and deligious braekfast - give away. Please count me in. Have a nice week Kati

Carmen said...

Que preciosidad de bandeja. Cuenta conmigo para el sorteo, por favor.
Ahora lo anuncio en mi blog

me said...

This is so adorable and beautiful! Please include my name in your giveaway! :)

Maru said...

Hola Carolyn,
Es preciosa esa bandeja, muy romántica. Me gustaría que contases conmigo para tu sorteo. Un saludo.

Clody said...

But when the giveaway ends?

Lena said...

Please let me participate this beautiful give away!

Glenda said...

You've captured the perfect breakfast!!
Please count me in for your giveaway, Carolyn :)
I hope your life gets back to normal as soon as possible
xxx Glenda

Linda Carswell said...

....am I too late...?
Please include me if you still can!

Unknown said...

I just adore your great work and art with minis, it's always a pleasure to visit your blog !!!
So continue with the good work!!!
I would love to participate in your giveaway.
Thank you very much for sharing your talent with us.
Have a nice day!!
Beatriz Martin

Eva said...

OMG! am I late? Wonderful tray as always in your work, please include me :)

ANA ROSA said...

Que cosa mas bonita!!! Puedo participar en tu sorteo?? Mil gracias.
Un saludo.

Minteriors said...

The lilacs are blooming here in Montana (USA) now, so everything seems to be "purple" these days. Oh so lovely...and fragrant! Ahhhh. You've done it again, another little creation of perfection, Carolyn. Do enter my name in the drawing, and I'll keep my fingers crossed. I love it!

JulieB said...

Another beautiful creation! I love the little flowers and the realistic coffee and wish I had breakfast like this every day! Please please enter me in your draw!

Carolyn said...

Hi Everyone....thank you so much for entering this draw. The draw is closed now and I will let you know the winner asap. Best wishes, Carolyn