For the city where I was born..... I am so sad. This has been such a dreadful time.
To those of you who have contacted me, thanks for your kind thoughts. We live many hours away from Christchurch and are safe, but like most New Zealanders we have close family and friends in Christchurch and all our thoughts are with them. The whole of New Zealand is sad for our beautiful Christchurch.
It is unbelievable. I thought of you yesterday and checked the map to make sure you were safe but of course something like this affects all.
Hi Carolyn, I got a look on the blogs yesterday for all the ladies who are from this country... really really sad just after what happened last September.. All my thoughts! Doei, Claude
Hi carolyn ls news I've seen the horror in that city. I wish all stop now and ask you with my prayers for all affected people. I hope your family is well though as we are all very saddened by this tragedy. From here, I send a lot of strength and hugs.Ana
Our thoughts are with all our neighbours in NZ. Terrible new. Tamara
Me alegro mucho de que esteis bien, espero que tus familiares y amigos. Las imagenes de las noticias son desgarradoras. Muchos animos y un fuerte abrazo
I did not dare ask any questions ...
I am terrified by the idea of losing loved ones, and now the friends of the blog around the world ... I watch the news with very different eyes, as in all countries there is someone to love, with whom I rejoice or cry ...
I embrace you strong: even here in Italy we know what an earthquake :-(
Love, Flora
I wish you all the best. It must be terrible to feel uncertainty for your loved ones.
Mini hugs, Roelie
I wish you and your family and friends all the best and I hope that everyone is healty...
All my very best to you, your family and friends.
you are in our prayers
I'm happy you are safe
So sorry for the tragedy you are going through. We are watching news on TV here. A few families here in Israel are missing contact with young relatives who were caught in the midst of the earthquake in Christchurch. They too share your worry. Keep safe.
All the best to you, your loved ones and friends. My thoughts are with all of you.
Que terrible este terremoto!!
Espero que no haya mas réplicas...
Un gran abrazo desde el mediterraneo!!
>La naturaleza es imprevisible y todopoderosa, lamentablemente a azotado en poco tiempo a tu tierra, me alegra saber que estais bien, lamento el daño q ha causado a tus compatiotras, un abrazo fuerte y grande.
Me alegro que tu y tu familia esten bien. Mis pensamientos están con la gente de tu país que está sufriendo esta catástrofe. Besos.
Tragedy for Christchurch, it is like a war zone. So many lost and missing, the scenes are heart breaking. My heat is heavy for all New Zealand.
Such disaster brings nations together in prayer and practical help. Wishing for healing for those affected.
My heart goes out to you Carolyn. Such a terrible tragedy. I have been so worried about you. I'm so happy that you and your little family are safe. It's such a terrible loss for so many people. My prayers are with you in this difficult time and with all those people who are grieving the loss of their loved ones.
Wish you all the best!
From Spain, all our prays are with you.
I'm so sorry... the earthquake in Christchurch is a tragedy. In Italy we know what it means... the suffering and helplessness is terrible and impossible to explain with words. A prayer for all the people who are crying and my thought for you
I'm so sad too! This has been such a heart breaking week. Hugs to you and Christchurch. Many tears.
I have been caught up in moving etc and haven't been blogging but I am so saddened by the disaster in Christchurch, so close to home. I hope your friends and family are all safe. My thoughts are with all you Kiwi bloggers, stay safe!
God Bless them all.
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