I have been meaning to make a mirror for the living room for ages....I wanted one that looks as though it has been made from an old window frame. Then the other day when I was lost in blog-land, I saw a wondeful photo
here of a lovely full-sized one, complete with shutters, and got all inspired. The main thing holding me up has been getting hold of a piece of real mirror that was around about the right size. I've pulled apart makeup compacts (mirror was too big) and shopped at the $2 shop (mirrors were too small), and then I remembered I had another mirror lurking in the shadows.

Now, no offence to anyone who has this mirror in their Victorian dollshouse, where it probably looks fantastic, but it doesn't suit my little shabby cottage at all, so....

...and a bit of paint, and glue and after the addition of a shutter that has been cut in half, here is my mirror and it looks just right in the living room. That wall needed something to brighten it up and I am really happy with it. It's not quite the same as the one in the photo but I thought that too much more embellishment in addition to the shutters would probably be a bit over the top.