I have been very busy catching up with commissions lately, so I STILL haven't made any furniture for the shabby cottage, but I thought I would show you how the little boy's room is progressing. I have decided that he is going to be a little nature lover. He has a rock collection (just like my own little boy) and he goes out hunting butterflies. So here are some of the treasures in his room. He has a beautiful
butterfly poster on his wall, and his butterfly net and jar are on the floor - he has five beautiful butterflies in the jar (made by

One of the
butterflies has escaped - you can see it sitting on the top of the jar - I hope he carefully recaptures it in time to return it and the others safely outdoors! As you can see, I spent way too much time on Etsy about a month ago!! The
marbles, which are tiny and perfect and made of real glass, were another Etsy find.

I thougth I would also show you some gorgeous little treasures that arrived a little while ago. The originals, made by
Lory, were lost in the mail and are sadly somewhere out there, still lost. :-(

Lory made me some replacements - aren't they just so pretty! She is one talented and generous lady. I have some of her cupcakes on a pretty stand in a corner of the kitchen. The little keys hanging on the nail on the shabby blackboard were a wondeful ebay find.
Well, this has seemed more like a guided tour of Etsy than a proper post, but I knew I would have to own up sometime to all this shopping. I don't have any time (or money) for shopping now, so it is back to making things. That is just so much fun, and so satisfying. I had a nice time the other night, adding some cute little coat hooks and a pretty scarf to the display shutter in the bedroom - here is a photo of the bedroom, still minus curtains, but looking pretty.
I''m sorry that I haven't had time for making many comments lately, but I am really enjoying reading your inspiring blogs!