I don't have very much vintage china but here is one of my pretty plates, with the passionfruit biscuits I made this week. I'll show you some of my other china some time when I can get a nice photograph of it. I would quite like to put a plate display on the wall, like I have in the dollshouse. Not sure what hubby would think of that, though.
I have been very busy filling orders lately, and have been wondering why it has been getting more and more difficult. Anyway, the other day after we had done a time-and-motion study at work, I decided it was about time I was more organised at home....I waste so much time looking for things. So I FINALLY sorted out all my little plate decals and NO WONDER I was feeling disorganised....I have more than 200 different patterns for plates at the moment! It took me quite a few hours to sort them all out, label them, record them on the computer and file them away tidily. Now it all runs like clockwork and I don't know why I didn't do it ages ago! I'm not naturally a very organised person.
The strangest thing that has happened lately is that I now get to blog at work!!! The seed company where I work has started a gardening blog and they have given the job to me. It feels like a big responsiblity....a bit different from just doing a personal one and writing whatever comes to mind. I'm enjoying it though.

Thank you for continuing to stop buy and visit my blog. I haven't commented much on anyone else's blog for absolutely ages, and feel quite guilty about that, but time is so short....I can squeeze the reading in though, and it is wonderful to be inspired by all the wonderful miniaturists out there in blogland.
There is nothing wrong with having more than 200 different plate patterns in stock. :D
OMG Chirstine - you were writing a comment on my blog at exactly the same time I was writing on yours!!
Your work makes many people happy ...
If something gets to you, is the greatest satisfaction :-)
Mini lovely hugs, Flora
Your plates are so beautiful!
I also love make miniature ceramics and I sell them on etsy!
It's true!Make new ceramics enjoy ourself and when someone buy them we are happy not for money but because someone has loved our job!
You are a big inspiration for me, we have different style but same passion!
your plates are so pretty. am going to be visitng etsy very soon x
How funny.:D Your comment hasn't come up on mine but I have been finding blogger doing some odd things lately.
Your plates are outstanding! All the colors and unique designs are so attractive. :) I am really enjoying following your blog.
Mini hugs,
I love the plates you make and one day when I figure out what I want, I too will be placing an order;) Glad to hear your getting organized... I too spend way too much time looking for something...been looking for my nail stickers for a month now, and still have no idea where I put them! ....And I too love vintage plates, but I don't buy them in sets, just one at a time. I have a big pink mixed set put away for a special day! I love the hunt for them, too!
LOL...I finally got my computer working half way right, and all I want to do is surf the net...lol.... I got way more work done when it was broke:)
Those teensy plates are just GORGEOUS!! And you could have a lot worse addictions than vintage china :)
HI Carolyn! You have to fill your emotional gas tank to keep yourself going. I love all that you do and your work is lovely. Yes we were deeply moved at what happened in Christchurch. I have been to Australia but not to New Zealand. Really enjoy your blog and your beautiful posts. Keep going and don't give up!
I love your work, Carolyn, and I always look forward to your next posting.
Hi Carolyn! too many plates... it started to be an obsession... LOL I love them and the new scapes you are using as well. and keep going!!! Doei, Claude
i love these plates x
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