This is my beautiful sister, Emma. She and her husband live in Cairns in the path of cyclone Yasi. She rang yesterday to let us know that they had left their home to stay somewhere safer with friends. We are waiting to hear how they got through the night. She is such a wonderful person - the most happy, postive, likeable person I know. It's hard having her live far away in Australia. I have three sisters and a brother and I love them so much!
These few words move me much: too often we forget how important they are sisters and brothers...
I'll give you best wishes in the hope that the storm passes without doing damage to people and things (especially those you love!)
Mini hugs, Flora
Carolyn, I will keep Emma in my prayers that she goes through this storm unscathed!!! What a scary storm it looks like!! I have three sister's and two live out of state so I can relate to your love and concern!!!!
Carolyn¡¡¡Ánimo y mucha fuerza¡¡¡¡Voy a rezar para que no les ocurra nada ¡¡¡Te deseo todo lo mejor y te envio todo mi cariño y fuerza.BESAZOS¡¡¡¡¡
Hello Carolyn, we are thinking of your families over there in the storm,hope that everybody will be safe and that the damages will not get too big.
Love, Susanne
Carolyn, we have been watching the path of this cyclone, as we know people in north Queensland, too. After the Brisbane floods, this is so very hard.
I hope your sister will be safe.
I too hope your sister is safe and does not suffer great property loss.
It is unimaginable to think of the hardships the people of Queensland have had this summer.
Espero que esteis bien,Australia esta viviendo una etapa dificil,sale mucho en las noticias y eso siempre es malo,en estos momentos duros se valoran las cosas importantes que son la familia, la salud, el estar en una estabilidad, asi q me hace pensar y dar gracias ,espero que todo se solucione pronto Carolina, muchos besos y animos.
I hope your sister is safe Caroline. A hug for you in your time of worry.
My heart goes out to you, Caroline. I am keeping you in the thoughts and my prayers.
this is a terrible moment for the whole of Australia, for those who have suffered losses this summer, for those who are in danger of losing your home now, to their distant relatives ...
Unfortunately, no one can do nothing against the force of nature!
But Australians are a nation strong and proud, I hope with all my heart that the storm could pass without hurting anyone, nor people, nor the houses.
I embrace you strong, brave!
let us know how's your sister!
Hola Caroline!!! Espero que tu hermana se encuentre a salvo y que pase el ciclón sin dejar desgracias personales y que las perdidas materiales sean minimas!!
La fuerza de la naturaleza está haciendo estragos en tantos paises!!! Lamentablemente nada podemos hacer para luchas contra ella. Solo tener confianza y la esperanza de que pase pronto y sin dejar desgracias a su paso.
Un abrazo.
I hope your sister and her husband are safe. Thinking of you and your family. =) You'll keep us posted?
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